As is often the case, Netbooks were delayed until January, so we had one semester of traditional textbook classrooms before we got to use what we had seen over the summer. I jumped in with both feet and went almost completely paperless second semester. I had a class set of Netbooks and I was prepared for all my students to have their own next year. About the first of May, I got a cryptic message from my tech guy saying, "Just wondering, what do you think of student iPads instead of Netbooks?" Say what?!
Apparently someone found out a couple schools are using iPads, made some visits, and the decision was made. All of our 9th and 10 graders will be issued an iPad2 in August (including my oldest daughter). Within 3 years, all students will have iPads. I am in the process of searching millions of apps to find the ones I want my students to have. All I can say is this should be an interesting year. . .